Output directory structure

Author: Menachem Sklarz

The main directory structure

The directories are elaborated on below.

NeatSeq-Flow dir structure

The directory structure created by NeatSeq-Flow

The scripts directory

  • Executing bash 00.workflow.commands.sh will execute the entire workflow.

  • The scripts beginning 01.Import… etc. execute entire steps.

  • The actual scripts running each step per sample or on the entire project are contained in the equivalent directories 01.Import… etc.

  • The scripts are numbered by execution order (see 00.workflow.commands.sh)

Structure of script directory

The scripts directory created by NeatSeq-Flow

The data directory

In the data directory, the analysis outputs are organized by module, by module instance and by sample.

Below is the data directory for the example, showing the tree organization for the bowtie2_mapper and Multiqc modules.

Structure of script directory

The data directory created by NeatSeq-Flow, showing the tree organization.

The backup directory

The backup directory contains a history of workflow sample and parameter files.

Structure of script directory

The backups directory created by NeatSeq-Flow

The logs directory

The logs directory contains various logging files:

  1. version_list. A list of all the versions of the workflow with equivalent comments

  2. file_registration. A list of files produced, including md5 signatures, and the script and workflow version that produced them

  3. log_file_plotter.R. An R script for producing a plot of the execution times. (Run with Rscript and receives a single argument – a log file to plot)

  4. log_<workflow_ID>.txt. Log of the execution times of the script per workflow version ID.

  5. log_<workflow_ID>.txt.html. Graphical representation of the progress of the WF execution, as produced by the log_file_plotter.R script (see figure below)

log directory

The logs directory created by NeatSeq-Flow

log directory

A graphical representation of the workflow execution.

The stderr and stdout directories

  • The stderr and stdout directories store the script standard error and outputs, respectively.

  • These are stored in files containing the module name, module instance, sample name, workflow ID and cluster job ID.

The objects directory

The objects directory contains various files describing the workflow:

log directory

The objects directory created by NeatSeq-Flow

  1. pipeline_graph.html: An SVG diagram of the workflow.

    log directory
  2. diagrammer.R: an R script for producing a DiagrammeR diagram of the workflow.

  3. pipedata.json: A JSON file containing all the workflow data, for uploading to JSON compliant databases etc.

  4. workflow_graph.html is the output from executing Rscript diagrammer.R.

    log directory


    The diagrammer.R script requires installing the DiagrammeR and htmlwidgets R packages.