Adding New Modules
Author: Menachem Sklarz
Page Contents:
In NeatSeq-Flow, the workflow parameter file describes the steps to be performed in the workflow. Each step involves executing a command-line program on the file types managed by the workflow. The description of each step is in the form of a YAML-format block defining the program to be used and the arguments that should be passed to the program. Occasionally, steps include executing further, downstream analyses following execution of the main program. The definition block is concise and readable in that much of the nuts-and-bolts of data input and output are managed behind the scenes in the step Module.
However, often no module exists for a program we would like to include in our workflow. In order to incorporate analysis programs which do not yet have modules, one can proceed in two ways:
Use one of the generic modules
This method is preferable for quickly getting a working workflow without the need to create a new module for the program. However, it requires the specification of several additional parameters in the workflow design step, and is less recommended for programs that are planned to be re-used many times, in different scenarios, in the future.
Create a new module
Creating modules is quite easy, and requires only basic Python programming knowledge. Still, please make sure a module does not already exist for the program you want to run before creating a new module.
It is our hope that the community of users will provide access to a wide range of modules, making the process of developing new workflows more straightforward for non-programmers.
This section provides detailed instructions for writing modules for analysis-programs and scripts for which no module exists.
It is recommended to go over the How NeatSeq-Flow works page before writing new modules.
Steps in writing NeatSeq-Flow modules
Modules are python objects which NeatSeq-Flow can find and load into it’s script-generating engine. Each step is an instance of a module, defined by passing the module name via the module
field in the instance YAML-block.
The following conditions have to be met for NeatSeq-Flow to find and load the module:
The module is stored in a file called
is the module name.The class defined in the file is called
.The file is located in a directory containing an empty
file.This directory is in the directories list passed to NeatSeq-Flow through the
global parameter (see Parameter file definition).
The directory containing the <module_name>.py
file can be nested within other directories to any depth, and only the upper level needs to be provided via module_path
, provided that each directory in the directory structure contains and empty
Generally speaking, modules are called in three contexts by NeatSeq-Flow:
is called when the class is constructed.Function
is called when the class is exposed to thesample_data
dictionary of file types available to the class.Function
is then called to actually perform the script-building.
The first two functions should be used for input checking. Making sure the user supplied all the required parameters, and giving clear error messages when not, will make it easier for the user to quickly get the module instance up-and-running.
The easiest way to write a new module is to use one of the template files and make only the analysis-program-specific modifications.
Preparing the module file
Choose a name for the module. e.g.
. Make sure the name is not already in use.Decide which level the module will work on: samples or project-wide?
Use the
general template
if it can work on both sample and project levels.Use the
sample template
if it works on the sample level.Use the
project template
if it works on the project level.
Change the name of the template file to to
.Make sure the file is within a directory which includes an empty
file. This directory is passed to NeatSeq-Flow through themodule_path
global parameter (see Parameter file definition)Change the class name to
in the line beginning withclass Step_...
. Make sure<module_name>
here is identical to the one you used in the filename above.
Places to modify in the actual code
Function step_specific_init()
As mentioned above, this function is where the parameters the user has passed via the YAML-block are checked.
The parameters are containd in a dictionary called self.params
. For example, the program path is contained in self.params["script_path"]
and redirected arguments are included in self.params["redirects"]
Making sure the YAML block is correctly formatted saves the user time - the error message will be displayed before any script generation is done.
Additionally, clearly worded error messages will make it easier for the user to understand what he did wrong.
to csh or bash, depending on the shell language you want your scripts to be coded in (It is best to usebash
because it will work with CONDA. See Install and execute NeatSeq-Flow with Conda).Check the user has passed all the parameters you expect him to pass. You do not have to check the general NeatSeq-Flow syntax, such as
fields. For example, if you expect the user to supply atype2use
field, checktype2use
exists inself.params
and raise anAssertionException
(see Exceptions and Warnings) if not.
Function step_sample_initiation()
This function is called after previous steps have made their modifications on the file-type dictionary, self.sample_data
Here, it is recommended to put code checking the existence of all file types the module expects. e.g. the samtools
module checks that a bam
or sam
file exist in the scope required by the user. NeatSeq-Flow has automatic file-type checking but having dedicated tests with clear error messages makes it easier for the user to pinpoint the problem.
For raising errors, please use the assertion-checking machinery (Exceptions and Warnings) to make sure the error messages are displayed in NeatSeq-Flow fashion.
Function build_scripts()
This is the place to put the script-building code.
Building the script is done in several stages:
Clear the script in
.Assemble the command(s) to be executed in
.Create the final script for execution, including the extra code added automatically by NeatSeq-Flow.
to reflect the changes and new file produced by the command.
If the script is assembled per-sample, the three steps above should be repeated for each sample, in a loop:
for sample in self.sample_data["samples"]:
For modules that can operate both on project-scope and sample-scope files, you can use a single loop for both options. See general template
for how this is done.
Set self.script
to contain the command/s executed by the script (This will go inside the for
loop for sample-level steps)
Initialize it with
self.script = ""
self.script += self.get_script_const()
will add thesetenv
parameter, if it exists; thescript_path
parameter and the redirected parameters. Then all that remains is to see to input and output parameters.The input parameter, typically
, is usually based on the sample data structure, e.g.:self.script += "-i {inp} \\\n\t".format(inp=self.sample_data[sample]["fasta.nucl"])
at the end of the string makes the final script more readable.The output parameter (typicall
) should be set to a filename withinself.base_dir
. If the step is a sample-level step, get a directory for the output files by callingself.make_folder_for_sample(sample)
.For example, the following code sets the output parameter
.sample_dir = self.make_folder_for_sample(sample) output_filename = sample_dir + sample + ".output.bam" self.script += "-o {outp} \n\n".format(outp=output_filename)
will returnself.base_dir
is set to"project_data"
You can add more than one command in the
variable if the two commands are typically executed together. Seetrinity
module for an example.
Place the output file somewhere in the sample_data
structure. e.g.:
self.sample_data[sample]["bam"] = output_filenameAttention
If the output is a standard file, e.g. BAM or fastq files, put them in the respective places in
. See documentation for similar modules to find out the naming scheme. Otherwise, use a concise file-type descriptor for the file and specify the location you decided on in the module documentation.
Slots for commonly used files File type
Aligner index
sample_data[<sample>][<aligner name>.index']
Aligner index
sample_data["project_data"][<aligner name>.index']
Aligner reference
Creating the final executable script is done by adding the following line (within the sample-loop, if one exists):
That, and a little bit of debugging, usually, is all it requires to add a module to NeatSeq-Flow.
As mentioned above, module instances can be based on more than one instance. i.e. i can be based on j,k. It was stated that in this case, if j and k instances write to the same slot, i will have access only to the version created by j.
However, you can write modules such that i has access to the same slot both in k and in j: All instance versions of the
dict are available in the dictionary returned byself.get_base_sample_data()
in the module class. The dictionary is keyed by the base instance name. This can be used to access overwridden versions of files created by instances upstream to the present module.For example, if base contains the name of the base instance (e.g. merge1), you can access the base’s sample data as follows:
self.get_base_sample_data()[base]And accessing file
in samplesample1
from basemerge1
can be done with the following command:self.get_base_sample_data()["merge1"]["sample1"]["fasta.nucl"]
The description above assumes you don’t want to support the option of working on a local directory and transferring the finished results to the final location (see local parameter). If you do want to support it, you have to create a temporary directory with:
use_dir = self.local_start(sample_dir)
use_dir = self.local_start(self.base_dir)
Use use_dir
when defining the script, but use sample_dir
and self.base_dir
when assigining to self.sample_data
(see the templates for examples).
Finally, add the following line before self.create_low_level_script()
Note: The procedure above enables the user to decide whether to run locally by adding the local
parameter to the step parameter block in the parameter file!
Function make_sample_file_index()
This function is a place to put code that produces an index file of the files produced by this step (BLAST uses this function, so you can check it out in
). The index file can be used by downstream instances or by create_spec_wrapping_up_script()
(see below).
Function create_spec_preliminary_script()
Here, you can create the code for a script that will be run before all other scripts are executed. If not defined or returns nothing, it will be ignored (i.e. you can set it to pass
). This is useful if you need to prepare a database, for example, before the other scripts use it.
Function create_spec_wrapping_up_script()
Here, you create the code for a script that will be run after all other step scripts are executed. If not defined or returns nothing, it will be ignored (i.e. you can set it to “pass”). This is the place to call make_sample_file_index()
to create an index of the files produced in this step; and to call a script that takes the index file and does some kind of data agglomeration.
It is highly recommended to create an instance-scope list of the redirected parameters that the user should not pass because they are dealt with by your module. The list should be called self.auto_redirs
and you should place it directly after the class definition line (i.e. the line beginning with class Step_...
). After instance creation, the list is checked by NeatSeq-Flow to make sure the user did not pass forbidden parameters.
Most Linux programs separate flags and arguments with a space, e.g. head -n 20
, and this is the default behaviour for NeatSeq-Flow. However, some programs require a different separator, such as =
, for example the PICARD suite. If your module wraps such a program, set self.arg_separator
to the separator symbol, e.g.:
self.arg_separator = "="
Exceptions and Warnings
When programming a module, the programmer usually has certain requirements from the user, for instance parameters that are required to be set in the parameter file, sets of parameters which the user has to choose from and parameters which can take only specific values.
This kind of condition is typically programmed in python using assertions.
In NeatSeq-Flow, assertions are managed with the AssertionExcept
exception class. For testing the parameters, create an if
condition which raises an AssertionExcept
. The arguments to AssertionExcept
are as follows:
An error message to be displayed.
will automatically add the step name to the message.Optional: The sample name, in case the condition failed for a particular sample (e.g. a particular sample does not have a BAM file defined.)
A typical condition testing code snippet:
for sample in self.sample_data["samples"]:
raise AssertionExcept(comment = "INFORMATIVE error message\n", sample = sample)
If you only want to warn the user about a certain issue, rather than failing, you can induce NeatSeq-Flow to produce a warning message with the same format as an AssertionExcept
message, as follows:
for sample in self.sample_data["samples"]:
self.write_warning(warning = "Warning message.\n", sample = sample, admonition = "WARNING")
As for AssertionExcept
, the sample
argument is optional.
When calling AssertionExcept
and self.write_warning
, setting sample
to "project_data"
will have the same effect as not passing sample
Example: minimap2
minimap2 is A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences. We will use it as an example for creating a new module for an analysis program.
In the minimap2
manual, it says:
Without any options, minimap2 takes a reference database and a query sequence file as input and produce approximate mapping, without base-level alignment (i.e. no CIGAR), in the PAF format:
minimap2 ref.fa query.fq > approx-mapping.paf
Additional arguments go between the program and the arguments, e.g:
minimap2 -ax map-pb ref.fa pacbio.fq.gz > aln.sam
There are 5 use-cases for the program:
Map long noisy genomic reads
Map long mRNA/cDNA reads
Find overlaps between long reads
Map short accurate genomic reads
Full genome/assembly alignment
We will start by building a module for use cases 1, 2 and 4. Later, we will improve the module to also enable 3 and 5.
Getting ready
Before actually programming the module, we would like to prepare the files for testing our new module.
As expected, we will call our new module minimap2
. We will use this name repeatedly in the following sections, and it is important to be consistent with the spelling.
Install and activate a NeatSeq-Flow conda environment
Make a directory for the project:
mkdir minimap2_module cd minimap2_module/
Make a temporary python directory for the module and transfer the file into it:
mkdir module_dir touch module_dir/
Download the
general template
, rename it
and move it into themodule_dir
:curl -L > mv module_dir/
We need a sample file which has a project-scope fasta file as a reference and sample-scope read files, in fastq format, to align to the reference. This is the simplest use-case of minimap2. Later, we will develop the module further and enable other sample file configurations.
a similar sample file from here
or create your own sample file. It should look like this (make sure the fields are TAB-separated!):Title minimap2_devel #Type Path Nucleotide /path/to/nucl.fna #SampleID Type Path Sample1 Forward /path/to/Sample1.Forward.fq Sample1 Reverse /path/to/Sample1.Reverse.fq Sample2 Single /path/to/Sample2.Single.fq
Finally, we need a parameter file to play around with.
Copy the
Basic Preparation parameter file
(if using the link, you have to rename the file tominimap2_parameters.yaml
curl -L > minimap2_parameters.yaml
Open the
file in a text editor of choice, or with the GUI.Keep the
and andVars
sections. You can remove theDocumentation
section.In the
section, keep only themerge1
section.Add a YAML-block for the
module parameters:The instance name is arbitrary. I will call it
.The module name is up to us. We will call it
.The base is the import step,
in this case.The
section is less important for the moment. Set it to/path/to/minimap2
Minimap2_basic: module: minimap2 base: merge1 script_path: /path/to/minimap2
Choosing input files
Usually, minimap2
takes 2 arguments: The reference and the sequences to align. For paired end reads in separate files, it takes 3 arguments:
minimap2 -ax sr ref.fa read1.fq read2.fq > aln.sam # paired-end alignment
We will not try guessing where to take the input from. The user will have to specify the source of the reference file with reference:
and the source of the reads with scope
The reference is always a nucleotide fasta file, stored in fasta.nucl
. The reads can be either fasta or fastq files.
Usually, the user will align sample-scope reads to a project-scope reference, so that will be the default behaviour. The user will be able to change that behaviour by specifying the following parameters in the instance YAML-block:
: Can be a path for a reference external to the workflow, orsample
to use a sample-scopefasta.nucl
file, orproject
to use a project-scopefasta.nucl
file (= the default).scope
: Can be set tosample
to use sample-scope reads (the default) or toproject
to use a project-scope reads.type2use
: Will determine whether the reads are in fasta or fastq format.
The reads can be either in fastq
format or in fasta
format. This can cause an issue when both reference and reads are project-scope fasta file! In the advance section below, we will try solving this issue. For now, we will not allow such a configuration.
It does not make sense to try aligning project-scope reads to a sample-scope reference. Therefore, we’ll add a test for this scenario and stop execution if it occurs.
Reference scope |
Reads type |
Reads scope |
External path |
fasta/fastq |
sample/project |
project |
fasta |
sample |
project |
fastq |
sample/project |
sample |
fastq |
sample |
Add the following lines to the parameter file minimap2_parameters.yaml
, to suit the sample data configuration:
reference: project scope: sample type2use: fastq
Determining output type
According to the minimap2
manual, passing a -a
argument will make minimap2
produce it’s output in sam
format, otherwise, the default, is a paf
format. The -a
argument can be passed by the user via the redirects
YAML-block. We will have to look for it there and set the output file type appropriately!
Defining the module code
Open the
file in an editor of choice.
The file begins with a skeleton of a module deocumentation. Later on you can fill in the empty fields but for now just change
.Then, proceed to the definition of the module class. Find the line containing
and change it to:class Step_minimap2(Step):
Delete the line defining
. It is not relevant for this module.Finally, scroll to the definition of the
Defining the step_specific_init()
Before we proceed, let’s make sure NeatSeq-Flow can find and use the minimap2
module we have begun defining. -s sample_data.nsfs -p minimap2_parameters.yaml
You should get the following error:
Reading files... WARNING: The following module paths do not exist and will be removed from search path: ../neatseq_flow_modules Preparing objects... Creating directory structure... Making step instances... Step minimap2 not found in regular path or user defined paths. An error has occurred. See comment above.
The problem is that we have not told NeatSeq-Flow where to look for the new module! In line 7 of the parameter file, change the module_path
definition to the full path to the module_dir
you created above.
module_path: /full/path/to/module_dir
If you execute NeatSeq-Flow again, you should get a python SyntaxError
. That’s great - it means the module was found!
The step_specific_init()
function comes with a test on scope
. We’ll leave it and the line defining the shell as bash.
Replace the section titled Various assertions
with the following test:
# Check type2use is defined and is fasta or fastq if "type2use" not in self.params: raise AssertionExcept("Please provide 'type2use' parameter!") if self.params["type2use"] not in ["fastq","fasta"]: raise AssertionExcept("'type2use' must be either 'fasta' or 'fastq'!") # Check reference is defined if "reference" not in self.params: raise AssertionExcept("Please provide 'reference' parameter!") # Check the various scenarios and combinations of reference, scope and type2use if self.params["reference"] == "project": if self.params["type2use"] == "fasta" and self.params["scope"] == "project": raise AssertionExcept("You can't have both project-scope 'reference' and project-scope reads!") elif self.params["reference"] == "sample": if self.params["scope"] == "project": raise AssertionExcept("You can't have sample-scope 'reference' and project-scope reads!") if self.params["type2use"] == "fasta": raise AssertionExcept("You can't have both sample-scope 'reference' and sample-scope fasta reads!")
Rerun NeatSeq-Flow and you will get a SyntaxError
from a later part of the module definition. So let’s fix it:
Defining the step_sample_initiation()
In this function, we should check that the inputs we are expecting exist in the self.sample_data
dictionary. For now, we’ll use the default NeatSeq-Flow error checking mechanism. Just comment out the section titled # Testing a condition on each sample
The first section in function step_sample_initiation()
sets self.sample_list
to a list of samples, depending on scope
. This is important because the build_scripts()
function loops over self.sample_list
. Therefore, you do not need to provide a special treatment for different scopes in build_scripts()
. See implementation below.
Rerun NeatSeq-Flow and you will get a NeatSeq-Flow error message as follows:
In Minimap2_basic (project scope): Type "INPUT_FILE_TYPE" does not exists! Check scope and previous steps.
An error has occurred. See comment above.
Printing current JSON and exiting
This is OK. We have to work on the actual script building part!
Defining the build_scripts()
The template comes with:
a loop on samples (as mentioned above, the sample list depends on the definition of
!)a definition of
containing a directory path for the sample output files.a call to
which must be there. An explanation is beyond the scope of this tutorial.a call to
, which defines ause_dir
which is a directory path in which the outputs will actually be written (see explanation onlocal_start()
elsewhere)finall, it also initializes
withself.script = ""
Now, we will define three variables:
containing the path to the reference.reads
containing a path (or paths) to the reads files.output
containing the name of the output file.
In the section beginning with the comment # Define location and prefix for output files
, add the following lines to define the output file name (pay attention to indentation!):
output_prefix = sample + ".minimap2" output_suffix = "sam" if "-a" in self.params["redir_params"] else "paf" output = ".".join([output_prefix,output_suffix])
We decide on
based on the existence of-a
in theself.params["redir_params"]
dictionary keys!output
is the filename without the directory path. That part is added later, by context.
Defining the reference:
Add these lines after the definition of the output
# Define reference if self.params["reference"] == "project": reference = self.sample_data["project_data"]["fasta.nucl"] elif self.params["reference"] == "sample": reference = self.sample_data[sample]["fasta.nucl"] else: reference = self.params["reference"]
We set reference
to the project fasta file, sample fasta file or path passed in the parameters, depending on the value of the reference
parameter in self.params
Defining the reads:
The following lines will set the reads
variable, depending on the value of type2use
and on the types of reads files defined for the sample:
# Define reads: if self.params["type2use"]=="fasta": reads = self.sample_data[sample]["fasta.nucl"] else: # self.params["type2use"]=="fastq": if "fastq.S" in self.sample_data[sample]: reads = self.sample_data[sample]["fastq.S"] else: reads = "{F} {R}".format(F=self.sample_data[sample]["fastq.F"], R=self.sample_data[sample]["fastq.R"])
If you want to check everything is alright, you can add the following lines and execute NeatSeq-Flow:
print("reference: "+reference) print("reads: "+reads) print("output: "+use_dir+output) sys.exit()
You should get the definition of reference
, reads
and output
for the first sample. You can check various combinations of parameters in the parameter file and their effects on the output. When done, comment out the sys.exit()
Building the script
This can be done in to python flavours. It depends on your personal taste, so I will show both:
The following lines should replace the section after the comment # Get constant part of script:
(line of code beginning with self.script +=
self.script += self.get_script_const() self.script += "%s \\\n\t" % reference self.script += "%s \\\n\t" % reads self.script += "> %s \n\n" % (use_dir+output)
What this does is to add the following strings to self.script
The constant part including environment variable definition,
.the reference
the reads
the full path to the output file.
Alternatively, the same can be achieved with the following code:
self.script += """ {const} {reference} \\ {reads} \\ > {outp} """.format(const=self.get_script_const(), reference=reference, reads=reads, outp=use_dir+output)
Putting output file ``sample_data``
Finally, we need to place the output file in the sample_data
dictionary so that downstream module instances can get the path and do further work on it.
After the # Put the output file/s in the sample_data dictionary
comment, replace the two lines of code with the following lines:
self.sample_data[sample][output_suffix] = sample_dir + output self.stamp_file(self.sample_data[sample][output_suffix])
We set the output_suffix
slot for sample
to the output file within sample_dir
. Remember that output_suffix
is either sam
or paf
. The sam
slot is recognized by other modules, samtools
for instance. So you can now put a samtools
module instance downstream to your minimap2
instance to perform sorting and indexing on the sam
file, e.g..
The second command makes the bash script record the resulting files md5 checksum in the workflow’s logs/file_registration.txt
That’s it. We’re done with the basic version of the new minimap2