Shotgun Metagenomics

Author:Menachem Sklarz
Affiliation:Bioinformatics Core Facility
Organization:National Institute of Biotechnology in the Negev, Ben Gurion University.

A workflow for executing various analyses on metagenomics data.

The workflow uses two approaches:

  1. Analysis of the raw reads and
  2. assembly of the reads and analysis of the assembled contigs.

Developed as part of a study led by Prof. Jacob Moran-Gilad.


  1. Analysis of the raw reads with:
    • kraken2
    • metaphlan2
    • kaiju
    • HUMAnN2

    The output from the former three programs is also plotted with krona.

  2. Assembly and analysis of the assembled reads:
    1. Assembly is done per-sample with spades.
    2. The assemblies are quality-tested with quast.
    3. Assemblies are annotated with Prokka.
    4. Antibiotic resistance is determined with CARD_RGI.
    5. Not included. Resistance and virulence can also be determined by BLASTing AR and virulence databases against the assemblies. See module BLAST.


fastq files. Paired end or single-end.

Programs required

All the programs used in this workflow can be installed with conda. See section Quick start with conda.

Example of Sample File

Title       Metagenomics

#SampleID   Type    Path    lane
Sample1     Forward /path/to/Sample1_F1.fastq.gz 1
Sample1     Forward /path/to/Sample1_F2.fastq.gz 2
Sample1     Reverse /path/to/Sample1_R1.fastq.gz 1
Sample1     Reverse /path/to/Sample1_R2.fastq.gz 2
Sample2     Forward /path/to/Sample2_F1.fastq.gz 1
Sample2     Reverse /path/to/Sample2_R1.fastq.gz 1
Sample2     Forward /path/to/Sample2_F2.fastq.gz 2
Sample2     Reverse /path/to/Sample2_R2.fastq.gz 2


The workflow file is available here

Quick start with conda

For easy setup of the workflow, including a sample dataset, use the following instructions for complete installation with conda:

  1. Download the conda environment definition file:

    You can download the Metagenomics_conda.yaml file here, or programatically with:

    curl -LO
  2. Create and activate a conda environment with all the required programs:

    conda env create -f Metagenomics_conda.yaml
    source activate Metagenomics
  3. Create a sample file. It should look like the following, only the file names should be replaced with absolute file names:

    Title   Trinity_example
    #SampleID       Type    Path
    Sample1 Forward 00.Raw_reads/reads.left.fq.gz
    Sample1 Reverse 00.Raw_reads/reads.right.fq.gz


    To get the full path to a file, use the following command:

    readlink -f 00.Raw_reads/reads.left.fq.gz
  4. Create a directory for your databases. Save the location of the directory in $DBDIR.

    export DBDIR=/path/to/databases_dir
    mkdir -p $DBDIR
  5. Install required databases


    Installing the databases requires about 220 GB of disk space!


    File contains a script for installing all the databases described below.

    Execution might take a while due to the large datasetb being downloaded, therefore it is recommended to execute as follows (After setting $DBDIR!!!):

    curl -LO
    nohup bash &

    Running MetaPhlAn2 will download the database for you: \
        --input_type fastq \
        --bowtie2_exe bowtie2 \
        --bowtie2db $DBDIR/MetaPhlAn_temp

    Installing Kraken2 database takes a long time and requires about 100 GB of disk space.

    mkdir -p $DBDIR/kraken2
    kraken2-build \
        --standard \
        --threads 10 \
        --db $DBDIR/kraken2


    If rsync dosen’t work for you, you can try adding the --use-ftp to the kraken2-build command to use wget instead.

    krona $DBDIR/krona/taxonomy

    Kaiju provides different databases for downloading. To get a list of options, just execute kaiju-makedb with no arguments:

    The following commands demonstrate how to get the nr database including eukaryotes (nr_euk) and the progenomes database.

    mkdir -p $DBDIR/kaiju
    cd $DBDIR/kaiju
    kaiju-makedb -s progenomes -t 10
    kaiju-makedb -s nr_euk -t 10
    cd -

    Online help on downloading databases.

    mkdir -p databases/HUMAnN2
    humann2_databases --download chocophlan full  $DBDIR/HUMAnN2
    humann2_databases --download uniref uniref90_diamond  $DBDIR/HUMAnN2/uniref90
    humann2_databases --download uniref uniref50_diamond  $DBDIR/HUMAnN2/uniref50
    humann2_config --update database_folders nucleotide $DBDIR/HUMAnN2/chocophlan
    humann2_config --update database_folders protein $DBDIR/HUMAnN2/uniref90


    The commands download the recommended translated databases. For other options, see the Download a translated search database section of the HUMAnN2 tutorial.

  6. Get the parameter file with:

    curl -LO
  7. Settings to set in the parameter file

    You will have to make some changes to the parameter file to suit your needs:

    • Set the parameters in the Global_params section to suit your cluster. Alternatively, set Executor to Local for running on a single machine.

    • In the Vars section, set database_prefix to the location of your databases dir, which is the value of $DBDIR set above. If $DBDIR is set, you can use the following sed command to set the database_prefix correctly:

      sed -i s+\$DBdir+$DBDIR+ Metagenomics.yaml
    • In Vars.databases.kaiju, you will have to make sure the value of fmi fits the database you decide to use. In the provided parameter file, the nr_euk is set. The equivalent fmi value for the progenomes database is commented out.

    • Go over the redirects sections in the parameter file and make sure they are set according to your requirements.

    • If you have a fasta file with sequences to search for within your metagenome assemblies, set the proteins_of_interest variable to the full path to that file. If not, you can delete or uncomment the SKIP line in steps make_blast_db_per_assembly, blast_proteins_vs_assemblies and parse_blast.

  8. In the conda definitions (line 46), set base: to the path to the conda installation which you used to install the environment.

    You can get the path by executing the following command, when inside the Metagenomics conda environment:

    echo $CONDA_EXE | sed -e 's/\/bin\/conda$//g'
  9. Execute NeatSeq-Flow.


See also this nice presentation by Galeb Abu-Ali, Eric Franzosa and Curtis Huttenhower