Variant calling


Menachem Sklarz


Bioinformatics Core Facility


National Institute of Biotechnology in the Negev, Ben Gurion University.

This workflow performs a basic variant-calling analysis.


  1. Merging the fastq sequences into a single file per sample (merge)

  2. Mapping to a reference genome with bowtie2 (bowtie2 module)

  3. Sorting, filtering and conversion to BAM with samtools (samtools module)

  4. Variant calling with two programs:
    1. freebayes (freebayes module)

    2. mpileup and varscan (mpileup_varscan module)

  5. Analysis of the resulting VCF file with VCFtools (vcftools module).

Workflow Schema

Variant calling DAG


  • fastq files, either paired-end or single-end.

Programs required

Example of Sample File

Title       ChIP_project

#SampleID   Type    Path    lane
Sample1     Forward /path/to/Sample1_F1.fastq.gz 1
Sample1     Forward /path/to/Sample1_F2.fastq.gz 2
Sample1     Reverse /path/to/Sample1_R1.fastq.gz 1
Sample1     Reverse /path/to/Sample1_R2.fastq.gz 2
Sample2     Forward /path/to/Sample2_F1.fastq.gz 1
Sample2     Reverse /path/to/Sample2_R1.fastq.gz 1
Sample2     Forward /path/to/Sample2_F2.fastq.gz 2
Sample2     Reverse /path/to/Sample2_R2.fastq.gz 2


The workflow file is available here